We Came To U.S. To Become Americans Not Indian-Americans: Bobby Jindal

Friday, 16 January 2015, 22:21 IST   |    1 Comments
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“It is completely reasonable and even necessary for a sovereign nation to discriminate between people who want to join them and people who want to divide them. And immigration policy should have nothing at all to do with the colour of anyone’s skin. I find people who care about skin pigmentation to be the most dim-witted lot around. I want nothing to do with that,” he said.

Mr. Jindal said his objective in this speech is to speak clearly about what he believes to be America’s proper role in international affairs; to speak bluntly about the nature of the threats being faced and the recent tragic events in France; and to suggest what he think is the way forward.

“The first step for America, and for any nation that wants to protect its own freedom and encourage it everywhere is to have a strong economy. When the United States became a major economic power at the end of the 19th century, it had the means to become a major military power and to become a leader in the free world,” Mr. Jindal said.

The Governor said the first tenet of American foreign policy must always be freedom, and the relentless pursuit of freedom for our people, and for all people, regardless of race, creed, religion, ethnicity, or any other artificial divisions, which humans use to divide one from another.

“America must always be a beacon of freedom throughout the world. I’m not naive enough to suggest that the entire world will ever be free, but I’m also completely opposed to ever giving up on the notion that all people everywhere in the world deserve and desire to be free,” he said.

“The next principle is of course security. America must and will pay any price to defend itself and to defend its allies. No two countries are the same, but those countries that value freedom and democracy and civility and decency must band together, and must defend each other,” he said.

“Those countries that desire security and harbour no ill—will toward their neighbours must stick together in an increasingly dangerous world. The third principle that is crucial is truth. We must speak the truth, to each other, and to our own countrymen,” he said.

“When a country or a movement is behaving badly on the international stage, we must not pretend otherwise. You cannot remedy a problem if you will not name it and define it. One of the most prominent examples in our day is ISIS and all forms of radical Islam. These people have no legitimate claim, they have no justification for their cowardly, barbaric, and inhuman behaviour, and we must not pretend otherwise,” Mr. Jindal said.

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Source: PTI