NYC Mayor Applauds Indians' Extraordinary Contributions

Thursday, 21 August 2014, 23:28 IST
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The parade is an annual fixture on the city’s social calendar and draws hundreds of people from across the tri-state area as it showcases Indian culture and heritage.

He said the parade “exemplifies” the contributions of the Indian community to the city and he is “proud” that it is one of the largest Indian independence parades in the world.

On the occasion, he presented a proclamation declaring August 17, 2014 as ‘NYC Indian Parade Day’ on behalf of all the people of New York city.

The mayor also expressed his appreciation for the Indian-Americans in his administration saying they “play a strong role in our government.”

The mayor’s administration includes Indian-origin lawyer Nisha Agarwal who serves as head of immigrant affairs.

Eminent Indian-American physician Ramanathan Raju was appointed by de Blasio as New York City’s Commissioner of Health and Hospitals Corporation, a network which has a dozen hospitals.

Also Read:
Indian Colours, Floats Celebrate I-Day in New York

Source: PTI