Indian-American Entrepreneur Invests In The Future Of India

Monday, 13 April 2015, 23:37 IST
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"I would not be the person I am if it were not for AMU education," he said.

"My giving back to this great institution is a way of beginning to repay the University for what it helped me to become. I owe a sense of gratitude to AMU."

The new school of management at AMU will be focussed on innovation, entrepreneurship and ethical business leadership, while the endowed chair will focus on international collaboration.

This will include faculty and students exchange programme with some universities and business schools in North America and other international universities.

Islam said he was naming the technical college for girls in Azamgarh after his mother who always "stressed the need for education and getting advanced degrees - even though she did not have one herself."

"She could not be called a member of the women's liberation movement but she was a liberator of the human potential," he said.
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Source: IANS