Indian-American Doctors to Help Young Physicians From India

Saturday, 12 July 2014, 00:17 IST
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"In addition, growth and empowerment of women leaders will guide AAPI to new heights. As Indian physicians in the United States it is our duty to nurture the present for a prosperous future."

AAPI vice president Ajay Lodha wants "AAPI to be a platform in helping our young physicians coming from India to seek residencies and to help them in settlement and to get jobs."

As the new secretary Gautam Samadder, president & CEO of Columbus Sleep Consultants, is dedicated to bringing the organisation renewed energy and participation.

The new treasurer Naresh Parikh, a graduate from Nagpur medical college and a cardiologist practicing in Atlanta, Georgia, wants to "bring more awareness of AAPI to all practicing physicians of Indian origin, by promoting membership and fund raising activities."

Dr. Ajeet Singhvi, chairman, board of trustees, wants to help AAPI fulfil its mission while managing endowment funds of AAPI and empowering membership in the decision making process and restoring AAPI's image

Dr. Kusum Punjabi, president of Young Physicians of AAPI, plans to undertake a five city networking event sponsored by the industry in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington DC, and Atlanta.

Punjabi also wants to use her "skills to improve the image of AAPI and to make AAPI aware of the issues confronting my generation of physicians and those still in training."

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Source: IANS