Most Profitable Enterprise Tech Companies

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4. Oracle

Oracle Corporation is a U.S. based computer technology MNC. After acquisition of Sun Microsystems in 2010, Oracle started manufacturing softwares and hardware as well.

Larry Ellison has always come up with bigger plans for the company’s growth and that is reflected in the company’s value in market capitalization that worth $179.35 billion. On 24 June 2014, Oracle acquired Micros Systems for $5.3 billion.

5. IBM

International Business Machines Corporation founded in 1911, has lived almost a century and still young.  IBM has served the world in hardware and software industry ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. The market capitalization for the company is $194.70 billion.

Recently IBM has acquired Cognea, an Australian software company.

IBM has a master plan behind the acquisition, called as the Watson Technology, the conversational computer that could be seen in sci-fi movies. The introduction of Watson technology will kick technology to an advanced level. Now that’s a catch!

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