Humble Beginnings Of Successful Techies

Jony Ive:  The Vice President of Design at Apple was not at the job all his life. He started working for Tangerine in London, designing varied products from microwave ovens to tooth brushes. He was also consulting for Apple at the time and also a few other companies and one such company was ‘Ideal Standard’.

He designed a toilet, sink and a bidet for the company but was later rejected for being too modern and pricy. Disliking the attitude of ‘Ideal Standard’, Ive later joined Apple full time. At Apple, Ive is responsible for the design and make of all Apple products from the iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad. He worked closely with Jobs and also was considered by Jobs as his spiritual partner in Apple.

Tim Cook: The CEO of Apple, one of the best innovative software companies in the world with the highest sales each year, started of delivering newspapers on the streets of Alabama. He also worked at a paper mill before joining IBM, working there for 12 years and then spent nearly a year with Compaq. He was then invited to join Apple by Steve Jobs, which later became a turning point in his career.

Tim has been a stand in CEO many times before being appointed full time, when Jobs used to take leave for medical reasons when undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer. Ever since his appointment, Tim has changed Apple in ways that is making the company rise back to being the best once again.

Jeff Bezos: The CEO and Founder of Amazon, a diverse company, used to spend his summer working at McDonalds. After which he along with his then girlfriend opened a camp called DREAM institute for kids which wasn’t that successful but showed Bezos’ interest to start a company of his own.

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