Get Acquainted with World's Most Popular Passwords

3. “Iloveyou”

It is important to avoid all the common words. Instead, create a phrase or series of letter that is random but is easy to remember from a book, speech, or movie such as: “Why so serious,” “I am tested” or similar. Also, make sure to think of passwords beyond fairy tales and stories.

A smart way to develop an easy-to-remember password is to write the old cell phone numbers.

4. “welcome”

Every now and then, people might be encountering problems such as accounts being hacked or password resets. This is because very common and easily noticeable passwords were used. The best passwords are lengthy series of letters, numbers, and symbols that can be remembered.

So just make sure that the password is not that predictable when signing up for a new account anywhere.

5. “Football”

Sometime the love for sports or any particular hobby might tempt one to put the same passwords for regular accounts, but be aware that such passwords are easy to trap, if one is acquainted with you well.

A smart way to make a unique and familiar password is by combining three small words from one’s regular life. Say for example if your dog’s name is “Jimmy” and you are fond of music; give your password as “Jimmylovesmusic.”

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