Things You Never Knew About Google

Bangalore: You visit Google at least once in a day. Search engine, gmail, Google+, Google Maps, YouTube and myriad other services that Google offers; you wouldn’t stand a chance but visit this search giant.

Google is the largest search engine in the world; it is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin; it is one of the most valuable companies in the world with more than a $40 billion annual turnover; and one of the best places to work— these things are already became too obvious to our memory, but there still are the things you don’t know about this internet biggie yet, read on to know them as compiled by Complex Tech.    

Google’s First Choice Of CEO

When told they needed to hire a "real CEO," Brin and Page's first and only pick for a head honcho was Steve Jobs. Unfortunately, Jobs was already running Apple and Pixar.

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