India Bought 3.11 Million Tablets In 2012

India Bought 3.11 Million Tablets In 2012

Bangalore: With the increasing popularity of smart devices, 2012 saw India selling around 3.11 million devices in the markets.

Samsung, Apple and Micromax emerged as emerging market leaders in last year with 72 vendors shipping 3.11 million tablets in India. Android was the dominant operating system followed by IOS.

The last two quarters of 2012 (3Q 2012 and 4Q 2012) proved to be important for the Indian Tablet’s market, with substantial growth particularly seen in the second half of the year making up to 70 percent of the total sales as stated by Faisal Kawoosa , Lead Telecoms Analyst, CMR.

During the fourth quarter alone, in October and November, India sold 1.09 million tablets bringing the total number of shipments to 3.11 million as stated by Cyber Media Research. In the last quarter, around 35.33 percent of the total shipments took place.

2012 also saw the emergence of Phablets – a phone and a tablet as Samsung Note was the first one to come out. This type of device constituted around 16.5 percent of total sales and their user profiles, market dynamics and production orientation differed more than that of Phablets.

CMR also reported that devices of five inches and above were considered as tablets last year. But from 2013, if they are sized seven inches and above, they will be considered as tablets.

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