Google Celebrates International Women's Day With A Doodle

BANGALORE: Google is celebrating International Women’s day with their attractive doodle on its home page. The multicolored doodle represents the multiple ankhs, an ancient Egyptian symbol for Venus, which denotes female gender, as reported by DNA.

In the doodle, Google logo is enclosed by several Venus symbols. The Google logo boasts a play button in the second ‘O’ of the logo, which also denotes Venus symbol for female with a small circle and cross beneath it. When you hit the play button it starts playing on You Tube and the video has women from all over the world wishing everyone Happy International Women’s Day in their own native languages. The background music of the video is a new single by Belgian artiste Marie Daulne. At the end of the video, a green banner with Happy International Women's Day will appear on the doodle.

International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on March 8 in order to pay tribute to the women’s achievement and their contribution to the world. The earliest celebration of the day was held on 3 may 1908. Later in 1914, International Women’s Day was widely celebrated on March 8 for the first time.

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