8 Big Changes Geeks Expect from Apple in June Conference

Bangalore: Some people are hard to please. Such is the case with these new age techies who want Apple to bring in changes in their already existing line of awesome products. Ranging from retina display to better application development tools, their list is long. Here is a list compiled by Business Insider of the 8 changes that developers want Apple to announce in its big WWDC conference in June.

1. Next line of Mac should have High Resolution Retina Displays:

The geeks want their screens to come to life. "We're really hoping Apple begins introducing Macs with high resolution retina displays," said Dustin MacDonald, a designer and engineer for Acrylic Software.

There are rumors afloat in the market that Mac will have high resolution displays similar to the ones iPhone and iPad. There have been reports which quote sources who claim to have seen a prototype of the new MacBook Pro, which has 'jaw-dropping' Retina display.

The high resolution displays will make the iMacs much more expensive but we don’t hear anyone complaining.