The MBA Grad Transforming Lives Of Underprivileged Children

The concept is getting revolutionized that even Google has merged up to help these people and teach the students various subjects. Hassan said,” They also discuss their own job profiles, difficulties and achievements and try to inspire the kids to continue their education and to achieve their goals in life. In recognition of the wonderful efforts put in by the school, Google gifted a 32" LCD so that the children could have a rewarding experience through video classes."

At present, HH High School has 525 students out of which around 80 orphans or single parent children are studying free of cost.

Their complete education is sponsored by individuals and organizations who donate money through “Bless a Child” initiative.

In its 4 years of existence, the school has been able to construct 17 classrooms, provide equipments and facilities for sports like badminton, football, volleyball, cricket, table tennis, and carom board.

It has appointed 14 full time teachers who are paid monthly salaries for their service.

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