Prospective Arenas for Startups in 2016

Digital Health and Big Data:

The year 2016 will bring more services and innovations designed to improve digital health record storage and access, provide online mental healthcare services, and create or upgrade health diagnostic tools, such as predictive cancer risk technologies. This impulse will result in more opportunities that create disruptive solutions to make sense of big data in linking electronic health record data, DNA sequencing data, treatment guidelines and published research, with the intent of enabling personalized medicine.

Uberized Manufacturing:

Digital manufacturing methods, coupled with cloud-based design and simulation tools, have the potential to democratize manufacturing and allow new entrants to implement interesting business models, like Manufacturing as a Service. Uberization of contract manufacturing and the supply chain will be accelerated by sensors and cloud technologies that allow end-to-end visibility into supply chains and logistics. As online travel services have hugely reduced the travel agent intervention, startups are also looked upon as good replacements for middlemen in manufacturing.

Read Also: 7 common challenges Faced by Budding Entrepreneurs

Must Attend Business Conferences of 2016