Modi Needs To Speed Up Reform Process: Entrepreneur

Named after his close friends Bill and Hillary Clinton, Gupta has built two schools, including a polytechnic for women, in his native village of Rampur in Saharanpur district, UP.

To attract foreign direct investment into the country, he said, India needs to privatise a number of Public Sector Undertakings and minimise the bureaucratic hassles."There is a lot of bureaucracy in India. Even to give money for charitable causes, there is a lot of bureaucracy," Gupta, who is also a philanthropist, complained.

Investment in infrastructure, including in roads, power, water and sanitation were urgently required, he said, adding the private companies should invest in infra projects.

All praise for Modi's recent U.S visit, Gupta said that he should have invited more venture capitalists and technology people.

"Because they (India) need more private equity people, VCs (venture capitalists), more technology people who should be getting more face time with him."

Adding that his visit struck a cord with the Indian community in the U.S, Gupta said: "I have been here for 47 years. I have never seen such a reception and coverage for the Indian Prime Minister before."

"His coming to the U.S was well- received by the Indian community, the U.S Government and media too", he said, referring to the front-page coverage in leading U.S dailies, including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Though approving of Modi's meeting with Obama, Gupta wished that more in terms of joint declaration in key areas like economy and defense could have come out of the much-publicized summit.

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Source: PTI