Amazon's Accelerator, 'Propel' is set to introduce 50 Indian Startups Globally

Amazon's Accelerator, 'Propel' is set to introduce 50 Indian Startups Globally
World’s largest E-commerce business giant Amazon has reported the fourth season of Propel –an accelerator program which expects to launch & empower 50 early phase Indian Startups in the customer product space, extend universally & become global brands in 2024. 
Speaking to this, Bhupen Wakankar, Director Global Trade, Amazon India states, “I am excited about the launch of the fourth season of Propel Accelerator. We had started this program to provide emerging startups an opportunity to bring their business propositions to life and create globally popular brands from India and we are doubling down on this promise in this season”.
The entries for the Program’s Season-4 will stay open from May 14 to June 9, 2024. Taking part new businesses stand to prevail upon all out remunerations worth $1.5 million including AWS activate credits, a half year of free operations and record the executives support, as well as a consolidated $100,000 in award from Amazon for the main 3 victors. 
Notwithstanding monetary help from Amazon, startups will likewise have a chance at subsidizing from investment accomplices, including Amazon Smbhav Adventure Asset, Peak XV ventures, Fireside Ventures, DSG Consumer Partners, Accel, V3 Ventures and Elevation Capital, who will all feature on a board to assess the champs of Propel Season 4. 
Amazon will likewise assist partaking start-ups with associating with Indian income based funding firms specifically Klub, Speed and GetVantag, who will give organized offers to the taking part start-ups to grow their business at scale.