SAP Launches New Program to Support Student Entrepreneurs

BANGALORE: SAP announced a new global program that aims to provide comprehensive support for students who want to start businesses that develop real-time solutions and Big Data applications.

Participants in the entrepreneurship program will receive support in developing new applications on the SAP HANA platform. The students will be able to use SAP software free of charge to develop applications and will be assisted by SAP experts. A comprehensive training program will provide the necessary technical background on SAP HANA as well as SAP Mobile Platform. Students will also be trained in design thinking methodology to help them along the process from an idea through to the finished product.

Once students have set up their business, they can participate in the SAP Startup Focus program and receive free-of-charge technical support, consulting and marketing services from SAP. The company will also assist with the market launch, provide access to the SAP partner network and offer opportunities to participate or hold presentations at events organized by SAP or other manufacturers. To open up new sources of funding, young entrepreneurs will receive access to SAP Ventures, the independent venture capital firm affiliated with SAP, and other venture capital companies.

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