Know Why Bill Gates is a Die Hard Fan of Salman Khan

Bangalore: “Salman Khan, you can count Bill Gates as your newest fan”, read one the emails sent to Khan. A voracious consumer of online education, Bill Gates sent him the email expressing his happiness about the nonprofit, a vast digital collection of free mini-lectures all narrated by Khan, a cheerful, lucid Harvard MBA and former hedge fund manager.

Khan Academy started of in 2006 as software Salman Khan created to help his cousins learn academic lessons. By 2009, tens of thousands of students were watching tutorials on the Khan Academy every day, making his $50-a-month web host crash. Though he was operating alone out of his home, his videos already had more views than MIT OpenCourseWare and Stanford combined.

One day he got a surprising email from Ann Doerr, wife of famous VC John Doerr. She invited him for lunch where Khan told how he and his family were living off of their savings.