Entrepreneurs Are of 5 Kinds, Which One Are You?

Bangalore: Some are reluctant but some are fast, some are scared but others are ready to face the consequences; entrepreneurs are different from one another and every kind has pros and cons. Entrepreneurs have their own working styles, most often entrepreneurs are seen being very energetic and courageous in a meeting, but sometimes it must not be surprising to find shaky legs behind those decorated tables. Innovators, developers, implementers, leaders, founders etc are the synonyms generally used for the word ‘entrepreneur.’

 Entrepreneurs can be strongly classified on the style of their functioning, read below to understand the different kinds of entrepreneurs as reported by Inc.

Revolutionary Sluggers

These entrepreneurs want to change the existing trend and plan to make it big with their every move. Success and huge revenues really don’t bother them as they do not follow the clichéd entrepreneurship notion. Sluggers understand that they were born to revolutionize and implement a hardcore change in the current existing structure or pattern of a life style. They are never amenable to quick exits or early succession planning.  Success does not get in to their head and are often seen humble and not thrilled unnecessarily.

Fred Smith of FedEx is a best example for ‘slugger – entrepreneur’