5 Trends Indian Entrepreneurs Will See in 2013

Bangalore: If 2012 was the year of big data, connected consumers and social media, what does 2013 have in store? Startups are in for some big changes in 2013. That’s the prediction of Ingrid Vanderveldt, Dell's "entrepreneur in residence" who works with the Dell Center for Entrepreneurs. Here's what he had to say:

1. Alternative Financing Strategies

Most Indian startups as usual are still bootstrapping, but they are encouraged by alternative funding options as more borrowers and lenders in the Indian Startup ecosystem are getting creative. Crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lending sites and Credit Funds are just a few examples of inventive funding tools increasingly available to entrepreneurs.

2. Scalable Technology

The explosion of big data that is predicted to increase up to 43 percent worldwide in the next 10 years with the accelerated adoption of cloud, more and more Indian companies will look to technology as a strategic gain to scaling successfully. As budgets remain tight, business owners will more and more look to outside tech vendors to dish up as advisers and will expect them to provide IT services and personalized recommendations to meet their explicit business needs.