15 Things Every Indian Entrepreneur Must Know About the National Entrepreneurship Policy

Bangalore: The government of India is planning to take a decisive step to help all Indian entrepreneurs. A 32 page draft was prepared by Ahmadabad based Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India and this document is an interesting one with its content. This is in accordance with the recommendations of Sam Pitroda over the constitution of a policy for the development and growth of entrepreneurship in the country.

The policy has a strong voice and looks at creating awareness about the charms of being an entrepreneur who is independent and who creates job for himself and others as against those people who look at a job only with ‘a secure future’.

This draft also voices out the fact that people with high entrepreneurship ability are often discouraged and demotivated by the lack of availability of resources and access to information on setting up and operating business, adequate mentoring support, very minimal access to technology and lack of seed funds for startup. Here is the gist of the entire draft in a glance as reported by pluggedin.com.

Number 1: Benefits

The policy does not focus on hard measures like large financial incentives or benefits rather it focuses on soft measures like raising awareness, skill development, promotion, mentoring and networking.