10 Mantras for Entrepreneurs to Improve Personal Productivity

Bangalore: Every startup entrepreneur feels the pressure of thousand things to be done, and all at the same time. But there is just no enough time! The only solution that can answer all questions is being really productive. To ensure good results in business an entrepreneur must spend more time with the business and focus on important things, as well as the urgent ones.

Entrepreneurs are generally seen wasting time on petty issues or administrative works, which might be important but can be outsourced. Jotting down the entire workflow and prioritizing work can help a business and also the entrepreneur. To improve and increase productivity is what all entrepreneurs try; here are few steps that can help an entrepreneur to improve his production as reported by Forbes.


Every entrepreneur like any other employee has his own set of work which can only be completed by him. He cannot or should not get into the administrative part of it by answering phone calls, replying mails, fixing meetings etc. Such works must be distributed so that an entrepreneur has a slight control over time. The time allotted to such works can be brilliantly utilized for customer interaction etc. Being a role model is indeed productive but it is not the same when an entrepreneur tries to control others.