This Dussehra, Let's Kill the Ravana Residing Inside Us

Greed – Female Foeticide

According to a shocking revelation, over 3 crore female foeticide have taken place in India, after independence.  Think if everyone does this, how long would you carry your family’s legacy?

Sex determination is a big crime but people—of almost all the classes—let out the Ravana inside then behind the screen. The recent Rio Olympics was a tight slap on the face of those stereotypes.

Injustice – Corruption

Who can forget the wave that Anna Hazare started with a hunger strike on 5 April 2011! It gave birth to the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi, who made an unexpected one-sided victory against central govt and others. The motto was one–to fight against corruption.

This festive season, let’s decide to stay clean, punish the wrong, and serve the country with a full heart. Together, we can surely bring the change we want our coming generation to witness.

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