Most Expensive Yet Admirable Brands

Who doesn't like to have an elegant and an adorable look? Dressing is one of the most essential and basic things.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

6 Most Adored Dog Breeds in India

Have you been wondering about the dog you want to adopt? Dogs have taken an integral part of our life, but do we treat them properly? Anyone,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

Precious Stones That Graced The Red Carpet

No red carpet has seen diamonds more dazzling, platinum more perfect or bling more beautiful than the Academy Awards.

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

'Good Scope In India For Aspiring Tattoo Artists'

India has a good scope for aspiring tattoo artists, but the lack of skilled artists to train them professionally is turning out to be an obstacle,...

Monday, 30 November -1, 05:30:00 AM IST

Scientists Move Closer To Creating Cartilage From Stem Cells

Scientists have succeeded in producing cartilage formed from embryonic stem cells that could in future be used to treat the painful joint condition osteoarthritis.

High-Salt Diet May Boost Immune Response: Study

Why Medication Fails To Address Mood Disorders

SPARC Gets USFDA Nod for its Anti-Epileptic Drug ELEPSIA XR

Beware! Marijuana Smoke Can Also Cause Allergy

'Cancer Gene Capable Of Slowing Cancer Growth'

The suppression of the known cancer gene "STAT3" may actually be counter-productive in the fight against some cancers, an international research team, including two Austrian researchers, has found.

NASA Reproduces Building Blocks Of Life In Lab

Bans Don't Help Smokers Kick The Butt: Study

Facebook Addiction Can Lead To Depression