6 Most Adored Dog Breeds in India

BENGALURU: Are you a real dog lover? Have you been wondering about the dog you want to adopt? Dogs have taken an integral part of our life, but do we treat them properly? Anyone, before adopting a dog should make up the mind if they can really take good care of their pets. Along with cuddling, they also need love and nourishment.

In a hot sub-continent like India, all dog breeds can’t survive. Only few particular dog breeds are compatible with Indian climatic conditions and to assist you in taking care of such a friendly animal, here is a list compiled by Trends.

labradorLabrador retriever: Labrador Retriever is a very strongly built, family dog breed that is easily accepted by children and elderly people because of its adorable nature. A lab puppy grows up to 32 inches within 12 months of birth and weighs between 25-34 kg which may increase till it reaches 2 years of age.

Labs are energetic and require 40 to 50 minutes of exercise every day as they have a tendency to gain obesity. They are very protective to their family and are good companions with the guests even. Anyone opting for a Labrador should make sure that they have enough time, space and toys for the dog to play and exercise.

Labradors are known as top fur shedders, so everyday grooming is necessary.

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