Unique Typefaces: Identity Of Cities

London — Johnston

The transit system adorns the Johnston typeface named after its designer Edward Johnston particularly for the railway system been in use since 1933.

The well known Gill Sans developed later was a look alike by the designer’s assistant Eric Gill, this popular font can take a look all over the subway system.

Berlin — BMF Change

The for Berlin, the  font was made up in 2008 while the campaign was in progress, embellished on the Brandenburg Gate, BMF Change the font made especially for the Berlin campaign. It is now printed all over the city in humbler places as trash cans, billboards, and  t-shirts. Its making is not a prime issue but the designer who made it was from Italy, the typeface is designed by Alessio Leonardi, who is actually Italian.

MILANOMilan — Milano City

All the fonts that were made up for cities were either geometrical or zig zagged, but this one is the first one to come in with soft and round edges. Milano City created by Inarea Strategic Design was simple and sound to sprung history back.

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