Over 300 Indo-U.S. Organizations Join Hands to Welcome PM Modi

He will meet Obama at the White House on September 30.

Citing unpredictability of the Congressional schedule ahead of the November elections, Boehner last month extended an open-ended invitation to Modi to address a joint session of the Congress.

The letter was written after as many as 88 Congressmen including Sherman wrote to him in this regard.

As of now, the House is expected to be not in session from September 29 to October 2.

Sherman in a statement resented against such a move.

"Congress does not need or deserve a three and a half month vacation. The country faces major problems, and we must make sure that Congress is not irrelevant to solving those problems," he said.

Sherman said he would be urging the House leadership to keep Congress in session the 29th of September through the 2nd of October.

"This would allow the House to address urgent legislative business as well as afford Prime Minister Modi an opportunity to address a joint session during his visit," he said.

"I am pleased that 87 of my colleagues have joined me in this effort to invite Prime Minister Modi to speak before a Joint Session of Congress. The United States and India have a unique relationship based on shared democratic values. Prime Minister Modi's visit is an opportunity to further expand this relationship," he said.

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Source: PTI