Inspiring Indians Who Deserve a Huge Round of Applause

Arunima Sinha: World’s First Woman Amputee to Climb Mt. Everest:

Arunima is a former national volleyball and football player. She was once thrown out of a moving train by a couple of miscreants who tried to rape her but failed. She fell on a parallel track and was immediately run over by a passing train and lost her leg right at that spot. In spite of her disabilities Arunima didn’t restrain herself from achieving a feat that only a few have achieved thus far, in the whole wide world. She reached the summit of Mount Everest at 10:55 am on 21 May 2013 and became the only one Woman to do so.

Arunachalam Muruganantham: Invented World’s Most Cost Effective Sanitary Napkin Company:

The fact that poor women are oblivious to sanitary napkins moved this man to make the most affordable sanitary napkins. Arunachalam Muruganantham invented a machine to produce low-cost sanitary pads. As he comes from a conservative family, he was criticized and even abandoned by his mother for doing this. He kept at it and invented a low-cost machine ( 80,000 to 1 lakh) which would grind, de-fibrate, press, and sterilizes the pads. He was offered millions in exchange of his revolutionary tech, but the man didn’t sell it. His invention is now being hailed as the epitome of women upliftment in rural India. These are some kind of people whom the nation needs at the moment and sadly none of us are aware of his contributions.

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