From Micronesia to South Sudan: New Born Nations in The World


A land locked country formed on February 17th, 2008. The country’s history is intertwined with the history of its neighbors. Kosovo is an impoverished land with mainly Albanian population (98 percent). It was unilaterally declared independent from Serbia after strained relations between the Serbs and Albanians.

Serbia after disintegrating from Yugoslavia broke genocide on the Albanians leaving 10,000 of them dead, which led NATO bombing in the region in 1999. Kosovo was thereon under the administration of the United Nations till 2008. After series of failed reconciliations between the two groups the country went on to become independent in February 2008.

Today Kosovo is recognized by 100 UN nations including United States and majority of Europeon Union, Serbia an ally of Russia still refuses to recognize the country. Though Kosovo is a mineral rich country, the country thrives on Agriculture due to years long of underdevelopment.

Republic of Serbia:

 The country at the cross roads of central and southeastern Europe evolved from being an Ottoman Province into Constitutional Monarchy to modern Serbia. In 1996 after Montenegro legislated its new economic policy, its economic relations with Serbia have been strained severely. Pro independence policies of Montenegro took a toll then on and the policies were formulated accordingly.

Serbia part of former Yugoslavia faced many challenges and survived the worst case scenarios. The two republics had been united for 90 years and now Serbia is virtually cut off from Montenegro and became a land locked nation without any access to Adriatic Sea.

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