Fine With India-Russia Talks: U.S

She was quick to point out India’s stand on several Russian actions in the past, including that in Ukraine.

“I’d remind you India doesn’t support the actions of Russia and the actions – their intervention into Ukraine. They’ve (India) been pretty outspoken about that as well,” Psaki said.

In an article, the Christian Science Monitor said the message coming from Prime Minister Narendra Modi is that India will not forget its old friends.

“Modi’s message seems to be that, even as a growing India with global ambitions expands its horizons to new partners, it’s not going to forget old friends,” it said.

“The Indian leader also may be signalling Washington – which to Indian thinking has run hot and cold on India since relations first swung upward under George W Bush – that the U.S shouldn’t expect an exclusive relationship,” the daily said.

The Washington Post said when Modi was still a regional Indian politician, Russia welcomed him three times on visits, while the U.S denied him a visa.

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Source: PTI