Most Dangerous Nations for Women Travelers

Bangalore: In the wake of recent incidents of sexual assault on women travelers, it has not just stunned people beyond belief but has also highlighted the plight of women safety globally. There many countries that have been tourist hotspots, but have now lost their sheen due to their inability to provide safety to their tourists. Here are 8 countries that are most dangerous and unsafe for women travelers, as listed by Megan Willett for Business Insider.

Topping the list of countries that are considered most unsafe and dangerous for women travelers is India. The safety of women in India has been questioned for a while now. Ever since the gruesome incident of the Delhi rape case there have been other sexual assaults that have been reported. The recent events of rape of a Swiss woman, and a British woman who jumped from a hotel balcony fearing a sexual assault has only left the country shocked and makes the world wonder how safe it is to travel in India? Further, the number of international tourists visiting India has declined by 25 percent in the past three months. This is mainly associated with fear of the risk of sexual assault, said a survey by Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (Assocham). It was also noted that the number of female tourists has declined by 35 percent.

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