8 Events Which Left a Permanent Mark in History

9/11—World Trade Center Attacks

A gruesome act of terrorism that shattered the majestic World Trade Center into Ground Zero in the United States of America triggered a Global War on Terrorism. It was this event that led the Americans to develop a permanent hatred for the Islamic religion; it was this event that stereotyped all Muslims as terrorists. The 9/11 attacks led USA to invade Afghanistan to depose Taliban. Not just that but the collapse of the twin towers have shut the stock markets for six days and revealed how the world economy functions.


The Medical Revolution

Today we are able to survive and withstand diseases or pandemics like polio, swine flu or the like. Thanks to the medical help and doctors we have today. We did have medicinal science in yesteryears but it was confined to few parts of the world and was known to all. There were instances in history when few villages were wiped out due to common cold. We are lucky enough to survive in a world with extensive healthcare facilities.

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