5 Highly Educated Political Leaders In The World

Angela Merkel:

The Chancellor of Germany and leader of the Christian Democratic Union party, Angela Merkel have been tagged as ‘the de facto leader of the European Union.’

Merkel is a highly educated leader who holds a doctorate as a physical chemist before she entered politics in 1989.

She has served as Federal minister for Women and Youth and as Federal Minister of Nuclear Safety, Nature Conservation and Environment. She is the spouse of a famous quantum chemist Joachim Saur.

Merkel plays the key role in managing the financial crises, at both European and international levels. She is known to be the backbone of the 27-member European Union and it is she who carries the fate of the euro on her shoulders. 

Tony Abbott:

The 28th and current Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott has been the Leader of the Liberal Party since 2009.

Abbott, before venturing into politics, studied law and economics and attained Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Laws at the University of Sydney.

Then on, he pursues his Master of Arts in Philosophy and also took up politics and completed Masters in Politics and Economics as a Rhodes Scholar at The Queen's College, Oxford.

He is one such politician who was an excellent scholar and one of the achievers in his University.

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