10 Threats That Are Dire To Human Exinction

Major Asteroid Impact

The established theory that brought the end of dinosaurs over 65 million years ago was when an asteroid hit the earth. Researchers believe that an asteroid three miles wide, can take out a large number of countries and impact the global climate making the earth’s environment close to unsustainable.  With this unfavorable climax it can disharmony social and political relations too.

Nuclear War

Despite the attempts made to bring an end to the nuclear weapons, they are evidently  still residing in several parts of the world. With the growing NUCLEAR WARpressure between Russia and the United States in Eastern Europe and with the calamity in Ukraine, it brings room for doubt as whether a budding nuclear conflict is likely to break out. If there is a tragic warfare it is certain that a massive amount of weapons will seal the fate of countless number of humans and for those who survived, the collision of the nuclear explosion will make living conditions difficult.

Extreme Climate Change

One of the most widespread threats known to man is the existence of Climatic change that is already a string of global challenges.  It hopes about tackling the issue of high-level international conferences that have been held regularly, however it has been observed that even the smallest targets have not been achieved successfully. At the extent of the ongoing climatic change or deteriorating climate, potential dangers are sure to hit which includes famines and mass migrations.

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