10 Most Powerful Passports to Vie for in 2015

Powerful Passports

BENGALURU: A passport of any country is a powerful tool used to maintain diplomatc ties with its peers. Passport allows holders to travel across the borders with ease. Based on the global mobility and the ease to visit more than 100 countries without a Visa is what makes a passport more powerful. The contemporary concept of Visa on Arrival thus holds great significance today.

Developed countries fare the best while the poor countries lack behind. Here is a list of countries which hold the most powerful and valuable passports in the world in 2015, as given by The Independent:

1. Sweden

Swedish passport is deemed most valuable based on several parameters. It gives access to 174 countries visa-free for just £28. Even the United Kingdom offers access to same number of countries but the Swedish passport unlike the UK passport requires just one hour of work to attain. The British passport holders need to have 11 hours of work completed before they can apply.

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