10 Documentaries That Mirrors the Face of India

Jareena— Portrait of Hijda


 Prem Kalliat gives a unique insight into the life of transsexuals in the city of Bangalore. The video shows Jareena a Hijra herself, who assumes the role of a man when she visits her family, explains this duality and how the Hijdas helped her assert her identity in society. The director tries to explain how other trans-genders like Jareena face identity crisis in this superficial world.


Born into Brothels


This Oscar winning documentary by Ross Kaufmann and Zana Briski is a tribute to the resiliency of childhood. Born into Brothels is a portrait of several unforgettable children who were born into the brothels of the red light area in Kolkata, where their mothers work as prostitutes.

This New York based photographer gives each of these children a camera and teaches them to look at the world with new eyes. ‘Kids with Cameras’ is the non-profit organization through which she reached to the kids.  After several years of training from Briski, the kids crated their own photos. Their images captured the colors of everyday life in the over populated streets of Calcutta.

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