10 Most Powerful Intelligence Agencies In The World

#2 Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)
Country: India

Research And Analysis Wing was established in 1968 and has its head office in Delhi. Set up with the aim to counter terrorism in the country, the agency gathers information from foreign governments and individuals as well as from internal sources. Even though the head of RAW reports to Prime Minister, the parliament has no control over its actions. There are over 8000 agents working for RAW worldwide.

#3 Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND)
Country: Germany

The secret agency was founded to act as an early warning system for the country. It was founded in 1956 and is head quartered in Pullach. Bundesnachrichtendienst is considered as one of the well organized intelligence agencies in the world and is employed to keep the Government vigil by gathering information, detecting threats and safe guarding the citizens. Approximately 4000 of the agents are spread across the world.
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