Microsoft's Satya Nadella Challenges Amazon With a New Cloud Service

Bangalore: The Indian genius who acted as the central pillar in Microsoft’s most anticipated enterprise operating system, Windows Server 2012, has now challenged Amazon with a new cloud service, known as Microsoft’s Elastic Compute Cloud, reports TheNewYorkTimes.

Nadella, president of Microsoft’s $19 billion Server and Tools division, has noted that Microsoft is all set and ready to go against Amazon, the landlords of today’s cloud offering, and this time Microsoft is serious. Microsoft has announced that they are ready to challenge Amazon’s price for its cloud serviceby introducing a new service called the Elastic Compute Cloud.

Who is Satya Nadella?

Satya Nadella is the president of Microsoft’s Servers and Tools division.

According to Microsoft, Nadella is the architect for the overall business and technical vision, strategy, operations and engineering and marketing that made over $19 billion via businesses. The Server and Tool Business platform nurtures Microsoft’s infrastructural managerial services and cloud platform that cover up some of the ground breaking products like Windows Server, SQL Server, Visual Studio, System Center and the Windows Azure Platform- Microsoft’s pinnacle in cloud technology.

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