6 Most Terrible Big Data Practices To Avoid

BANGALORE: Computer programming makes our works easier at times.  The purpose of programming is to perform a specific task including knowledge of specialized algorithm and formal logic. But hold on what if these knowledgeable sets of instructions, commands and algorithms are put in right way. Big chances of failure, creating a mesh with work right? Here 6 worst big data practices that should be strictly avoided.

1. MongoDB

Is a cross-platform document-oriented database, classified as a NoSQL database, instead of storing your data in tables made out of individual rows, it stores your data in collections made out of individual documents and has no particular format.

Additionally, it does not support collation-based sorting and is limited to byte-wise comparison via memcmp, which will not provide correct ordering for many non-English languages when used with a Unicode encoding. The connections to MongoDB by default aren’t encrypted, which means that your data could be logged and used by a third party. However, if you really mean you're going to use MongoDB as a data-warehousing technology, your project may be ruined at the start.

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