'U.S. Immigration Bill Can Lead To $30 Bn/Year Loss To India'

It also limits the proportion of H1B and L1 visa workers relative to a firm’s total U.S. employees to 50 per cent by financial year 2017 ,starting October 2016.

"About 98 per cent bill is focussed on providing relief to 20 million Hispanic Americans. Democrats wants them to give citizenship that will give them huge vote bank. If Democrats get that part of the bill passed, they will gain at least 10 senate seats and take control of the house," Kumar said.

He said the clause that adversely impacts India's interest was added in the bill following complaints by some American corporations and a poll campaign slogan ‘Say No to Bangalore and Yes to Buffalo’ used by Barack Obama in 2009.

"U.S. mid-term Elections are due in November and the bill can be taken up anytime soon. It will not take more than 3 days if Democrats and Republican mutually agree to it. The Indian government is left with no time but to strongly raise its voice and set up official channels in U.S. without delay," Kumar said.

He claimed that India does not have a significant mindshare among U.S. Parliamentarians and the effort made by it on the issue may not enough to make any impact.

"For U.S. Parliamentarians, India related issues are small. There are about 2 million eligible Indian origin people that can vote but hardly we have seen more than 30 per cent of them voting. India has no time now. It has to make its voice heard," Kumar said.

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Source: PTI