Top 9 Most Expensive Cities in the World


Oslo (Norway):

Cost of 1 kg bread: $6.02 (380)

Cost of 1 liter petrol: $2.28 (145)

The reason for Norway’s rising costs is due to its strong Krone and the huge revenues the country brings in from its rich oil reserves. The survey takes into account inflation, exchange rates, goods that expats typically buy and rental expenses to work out an average cost of living. The high 25 percent VAT leads to high price of general stuff, not to mention special tax for alcohol. High labor cost is another contributor to this high ranking city.


Zurich (Switzerland):

Cost of 1 kg bread: $5.96 (378)

Cost of 1 liter petrol: $2.07 (171)

Zurich is the most expensive city in the world only after Oslo and just comes fourth in the world’s top costliest cities to live in. Zurich knocked off Tokyo by becoming the fourth costliest city, which indicates that living in these cities is 70 percent and 66 percent more expensive than living in New York City when measured in U.S. dollars. No American cities appear in the top 10 list.

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