Most Powerful CEOs of India in 2013

Bangalore: There are many Indian businessmen who have made good name in their respective field of expertise. Infact some have even represented India globally.

IMRB International, a business consultant firm conducted a survey on the most powerful CEOs of India in 2013. The rankings were based on six different parameters including leadership, strategy & innovation, performance, stature, social contribution and governance.

Let’s take a look at these 10 most powerful Indian CEOs in 2013 listed by “Economic Times”.

1. Mukesh D Ambani
Company: Reliance Industries

Mukesh D Ambani joined reliance industries in 1981 after his father pulled him from Stanford University where he was pursuing his MBA. Since Reliance was growing, Dhirubhai Ambani wanted Mukesh to take care of the polyester fiber industry.   

Today the company has various wings like petrochemicals, petroleum refining, oils and gas exploration and production.

While Addressing the 39th annual general meeting Mukesh said that he is presently very optimistic about growth of digital service markets in India.

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