Google To Alphabet: What, Why and Who?

BANGALORE: If 'Top 10 interesting things for the day' are to be listed, then Google’s rebranding will top it. Though not forgoing the name the company just renamed the top brass-Google as ‘Alphabet’, the question that arises is why and what is it and who will be controlling it. Here are answers to the questions that deal with Google’s new publicly traded parent company.

Its founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are known for their tenacity to think out of the box resulting in customer products like Google Search Engine, Google Chrome Browser, YouTube and other subsidiaries.

Google, which was founded in 1998 as a search engine went public in 2004. The company since then is seen investing in projects that are quite diverse to its sector standing. The dot com bubble giant has undertaken projects as Calico, Nest, Fiber, Google Ventures and Google Capital, and breeding projects like Google X.
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