5 Most Controversial Products of All Time

#2. Homeless American Girl Doll

The popular American Girls brand, owned by Mattel, has released a controversial doll named ‘Gwen Thompson,’ a character who's actually homeless and lives with her mother in the family car.

A representative for American Girl brand said the doll is meant to teach tolerance and is part of an outreach program, teaching young girls how to stop bullying and stand up and speak out against it.

The tragic doll sells for $95 and is part of a 2009 limited edition set which sparked controversy.  Enraged opponents argued that the doll’s story was unpleasant and demanded Mattel to donate the earnings from sales of the doll to charities.

#3. Harry Potter And The Vibrating Broom

This flying broom looked like the real thing; Mattel Toy released the vibrating Harry Potter “Nimbus 2000 in February 2001. The toy was a vibrating copy of the broom in reference to the movie Harry Potter, where he used the broom for Quidditch champions in the movie sequence. The toy amused the kids, where they found so great about pretending to ride on Harry’s magic stick.

Needless to say, that the broomstick was being sold to an adult audience for twice it’s suggested retail price and stirred up a controversy as it was in a way misused, while it’s obvious that Mattel didn’t design the toy with adult experiences in mind and they stopped producing the toy.

 The magical broomstick was taken off shelves and is no longer available for purchase on the online shopping sites.

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