5 Top Selling Products of All Time

BANGALORE: Products are rolled out from companies with an intention to help customers in the way they aspire. Some products do rule the market with their gained popularity and the trust invested but later fades out when other competitive products reach the market. Let us have a look at some of the products that became a landmark product under the category of best selling.

Play Station (Gaming Console): An evening spent on a PlayStation is a ritual since Sony released its first ever play station in 1995 with a powerful 32-bit processor. It was the most powerful gaming console available in the market and sold more than 70 million play stations world-wide until it released the PlayStation2 in 2000.

The buyers for the PlayStation around the world are in millions and with each launch of new version of PlayStation, the figures keep rising.

Rubik’s Cube (Toy):  Rubik’s Cube is the best selling toy of all time with more than 350 million sold since 1980 and still rolling on the figures.  Initially it never intended to come under the toy section but under education. Its inventor, Hungarian architect professor Erno Rubik created it in 1974 as a way to teach his students, the three-dimensional geometry. The popularity of Rubik’s cube is so that even a developer created an iPhone application that has the instructions to solve it in mere 20 moves.