4 Ways Businesses Can Help Close The Skills Gap

Give them financial opportunity. 

Financial hurdles are a big problem for many young students today. Find cost friendly alternatives, like diplomas which can be followed up with a degree, or college scholarships. However, even with government provided financial aid, education can be very costly. And while taking student loans is simple it can often take a long time to pay back, especially if the job market goes through an unexpected downturn, as has happened of late.  So pitch in yourself, and start a companywide scholarship fund. This will go a long way in helping kids become the skilled workforce of the future.

Get your community involved.

The popular blog Humans of New York made news for raising $1 million through crowd funding to send kids from a low income community on a class trip to Harvard University. There is an important take away from this campaign: Many hands make light work. Use social media to promote your cause, and ask for help from your professional and personal network.

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