10 Profitable Business Opportunities in India

Consultant Sector-Wedding consultant:
Do you need a good florist, best caterer, elite costume designer and some exquisite hotel? Get in touch with them, build contacts, and get the best offers. Finally, what you have done is arranged the top to bottom of an exclusive wedding. The vital role in this profession is to convince the wedding party to offer you the contract. So accurate marketing is important.

Education Sector: Pre-schools/Tutoring:
In the education sector, with urban India opting for western culture pre-schools are increasing in number. Take up a franchisee and help little toddlers become the heroes of the nation. If the babies are too delicate to handle, you can simply offer tuitions to the school or college going children. Nowadays there are websites where you can register as a tutor and parents will contact you to guide their children. In this money making sector, you need to be dedicated to put your best to train the juniors.

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