10 Longest Serving CEOs

Bangalore: The most defining feature of a company is its longetivity. The reputation of a CEO also increases with his/her duration at the firm. So, here is a list of the longest serving CEOs given by Ezine Mark.Com -

1. Roger Penske

CEO: Penske Corporation

Duration: 42 Years

Penske is the head of Penske Racing, Penske Corporation and various other vehicle related businesses. He was also a winning racer during the late 1950s. He is also credited for creating winning teams, like - NASCAR racing and IndyCar Series. Penske is associated with creating a thriving career in racing. He also received the ‘2012 Keith Crain/Automotive News Lifetime Achievement Award’ during the Washington Auto Show. Keith Crain, Automotive News Editor-In-Chief, quoted, "There are very few people in this world that succeed at just about everything they touch" and “Roger is one of those people."