10 Best Companies That Offer The Coolest Perks In 2014

BANGALORE: Benefits and compensation in workplace has been on the lime light since pre-industrialization period. And, the trend continues in this era, companies are offering benefits and compensation to their workers, which has motivated them to be more dedicated, hardworking.

End of the month everyone waits for their salary with excitement; what if you get some extra perks with it? Surely, the joy would be doubled. And if you are eager to note, then here are the top 10 exclusive perks that the top most companies are giving along with good ransom.

1. Google

The top most valuable brand, Google is the search giant that keeps up its spirits at the highest on work platform. Google is the best company to work for with a blazing positive environment meant to uplift the employee’s moods and keep them ever vibrant at work for maximum gains.

Google provides free food, fitness facilities, laundry rooms, on-site doctors, massage rooms and even hairdressers along with attractive perks and handsome salary, making it an awesome place to work at.

Read More: Brands That Focus On Social Concerns