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November - 2013 - issue > COOL STARTUPS
EffiaSoft Sophisticated yet Simple Solutions, Leveraging The Cloud
SI Team
Sunday, November 3, 2013
When and where was your company launched?
Effiasoft was founded in November 2012 at Hyderabad by a group of motivated professionals from Oracle and very soon made a name for itself as a Microsoft BizSpark Startup.

What inspired you to conceptualize the company?
The service oriented technology on Cloud nowadays has diversified the way consumers are being served. Be it industrial or commercial, there's a huge task of data collection on a daily basis and also at a faster rate; this may help as a reference for the future market to cut down on obsolete techniques or improve the existing ones.

What was the original vision?
The main vision of Effiasoft really was to reach out to the small and medium scale sectors in providing them the facilities that the high-end organizations reap through our customized ERP application solution, its affordability suiting their demands. Implementing an enterprise grade ERP on public cloud with some of the basic workflow process to organize a systematic approach was in great need.

Describe about your product/services?
Recently the supply chain management application being launched at NASSCOM Product Conclave, our service spreads to various wings of an organization.
The Effia-ERP Production planning control module certainly helps to plan the execution of cost effective manufacturing and better utilization of resources.The Effia-hrms solution, being an integrated solution helps to easily manage the payrolls of employees, the cost incurred upon them and various other employee centric activities. The Effia ERP CRM strives to uphold customer relationships through consistent and readily available data, influencing several trends & services and the Effia risk and compliance solution module certainly helps you get a better view of your position and helps reduce unauthorized access to risk factors.

Is your company funded? If so who are the funding source behind the company?
Yes, Effisoft was started with one round of seed fund and is also supported by Microsoft in terms of IT infrastructure development environment and global partnership which is actually helping us in diversifying our services.

Please provide how your product gives value to customers?
Effiasoft is profoundly dedicated to securing the enterprise data and also fulfilling today's gap between high end, over complex, expensive ERP solution and low end limited functionality ERP products at very affordable price through SaaS

What do the next 12 months hold on to your company?
With the launch of supply chain management on public cloud and mobile platform as service, the coming days will soon see the launch of other ERP applications on public cloud.

What is your advice for the first time entrepreneurs?
Being a newbie on any given day is a mounting task, moreover running an enterprise cannot be in folded hands. The practicality of the easy to say quote of no one is the boss is not easy at all considering the responsibilities that you shoulder.

Who was your initial customer?
Being an ERP solution provider and convincing the customer carrying a novel technology as cloud was a challenging task considering the global market expansion for the same and its knowledge echoed around. Our initial customers include a global giant in Shipping Industry and Textile Industry.

Company : Effiasoft Private Limited
Founder : Koushik Shee, CEO
Founded : 2012
Offices : Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Website : www.effiasoft.com
Description : Selected as a Microsoft BizSpark
startup, Effiasoft provides
enterprise grade ERP solutions on
cloud for SMEs.

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