5 Features On a Smartphone That We Once Wished For


Windows Continuum

The Windows Continuum works only on the Windows 10 powered new Lumia 950 and 950XL Smartphones. But the Continuum feature is an extra-ordinary option that every user in each ecosystem craved for. The feature becomes effective when the phone is connected to a monitor, keyboard and a mouse through Microsoft connector where the user can experience fully functional Windows 10 desktop PC.  It also allows the user to play videos on a TV and simultaneously use the phone to send mail or text their friends uninterrupted.

Third-party App Integration with Cortana

The voice assistant ‘Cortana’ on a Windows 10 phone will allow its user to perform tasks on the Smartphone with their voice input. Cortana is compatible with third-party apps, which means, a user just has to say what they want to do irrespective of apps and the Cortana does it. For example, if a person wants to search a word in Dictionary.com app, the user has to tell Cortana to search for the particular word and it searches for him.

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